Don’t risk getting rear-ended because of your faulty Tail Lights.
Category Archives: Car Repair and Servicing
Check out our car repair and servicing archive to see some of the cars that went through our shop.
Spread good vibes and usher into a week of favour and greatness as great as the turnout of cars driving-in for car servicing and car repair services! Or if you need assistance with insurance or accident claims, we can discuss that too! Do feel free to drop by Revol Carz Garage at 10, Ang Mo […]
This post about the Engine, Transmission, and Pendulum Mount replacements on the Audi A3.
Headlight restoration kits don’t really work in the long term.
The BMW 320i is having engine check light and misfiring!
It’s a full packed workshop with various Continental carmakes all lined-up for car servicing, car repair, and insurance claims services too! And our passionate team of experts are ready to serve you and your beloved for the day. Do feel free to drop by Revol Carz Garage at 10, Ang Mo Kio Industrial park 2a […]
If you notice a pool of oil under your parked Volkswagen, it might be a Crankshaft Oil Seal failure. Let our VW Gurus fix this problem professionally.
If your intuition tells you that your Brakes are not as efficient, have them checked by our Experts at Revol Carz Garage.
The bouncy Mercedes Benz E200 needs new Rear Shock Absorbers and Engine with Transmission Mounts.
To all our esteemed customers, friends and associates, we wish you and your family a Happy Deepavali. On this auspicious day, may this festival Diwali of lights bring you and your family a true happiness, peace and everlasting joy. HAPPY DEEPAVALI!
If you are having strong loud vibration noise on your Engine, your Engine Mounting could be worn.
If only one Door Lock is malfunctioning in your Volkswagen Jetta, the likely culprit is a faulty Lock Actuator.
It is easy to jump to the wrong conclusion when your Radiator Fans stop turning. Let your AUDI experts at Revol Carz Garage solve the problem precisely.
Hooray it’s Monday and hope you guys had an awesome weekend! Let’s welcome the new week with passion and enthusiasm as our dedicated and passionate Team stays productive and efficient to deliver great professional results! Do feel free to drop by Revol Carz Garage at 10, Ang Mo Kio Industrial park 2a # 02-18 Ang […]
The world class luxury Mercedes-Benz CLA180 had a rough ride. Following trouble shooting, it is time for our Suspension experts to replace the bad Shock Absorbers.