Audi A5 Sport Back Quattro arrives for engine overhaul

Hi Everyone, You can tell that your car’s engine is time for an overhaul when it consumes lubricant excessively and even worse, white smoke is also bellowing from the exhaust pipes. Misfiring and compression loss are also other common indications of worn-out piston rings. Other extreme signs could be experiencing oil sludge and coolant in your oil pan. Knocking sounds when the engine is running could possibly mean metal frictions and worn-out bearings. If these signs occur in your car, don’t delay to send your car engine car for diagnosis and evaluated by our professional team at Revol Carz Garage. Your car could be due for a major overhaul to get it running like-new again. A troubled Audi A5 Sport-back Quattro rolled-in to Revol Carz Garage for a major engine overhaul as it have also clocked reasonable mileage already. At our well-equipped workshop, your car engine gets our professionally attention with clockwork precision. Rebuilding your car engine can benefit you in the long run if the work is by reputable mechanics. Hop aboard as we invite you to take a virtual tour with us to Revol Carz Garage workshop to see our engine overhaul works in progress.

A troubled Audi A5 Sport Back Quattro arrives at Revol Carz Garage for engine overhaul.
Our professional mechanic first conducts overall checks and take notes of the engine condition.
To do a professional overhaul job, the front panel of the car was dismantled to get proper access to the whole engine.
The whole engine assembly is carefully lifted out of the car.
The engine components are then carefully dismantled step by step.
At this stage, we dismantled the carbon-laden cylinder head before the cleaning and polishing process.
After our professional cleaning and polishing process, the cylinder head looks as sparkling as brand new.
On the left is a worn-out piston compared to a brand new piston at the right.
It is heartening to see brand new pistons now ready in place.
The engine overhaul is now completed and awaits our QC endorsement check before hoisting it back to the engine bay.
The engine overhaul process is at the final stage. All frontal components are now reinstated with precision. All components double-checked and engine test run are conducted before our QC team give the final endorsement.
The finale! The gorgeous AUDI A5 Sportback Quattro 2.0 has acquired a brand new lease of life with the rebuilt engine that purrs like a new car.

Preventive maintenance is always better than repair. It is important to understand about wear and tear before the components break down totally. If you have any issue in any part of your car, do feel free to contact us. We will always serve you with the best of your interest! Thanks for reading!