VW Case Study 14: Head and Signal Lights Module Replaced

VW Case Study 14: Head and Signal Lights Module Replaced

Mr. Ben ’s Volkswagen Golf A7 encountered headlights and signal-lights electrical haywire issue.

VW Case Study 14: Head and Signal Lights Module Replaced

A systematic scan and tests were required on all probable sources to zero-in the causes.

VW Case Study 14: Head and Signal Lights Module Replaced

Noted – no malfunction in the wiring. We should look into the other possible cause suggested in the scan.

VW Case Study 14: Head and Signal Lights Module Replaced

Checking the fuse box to no other issue contributes to the module failure.

VW Case Study 14: Head and Signal Lights Module Replaced

Satisfied that all the checks are completed and cleared, we replaced the J519 Module.

The car seems to be happy and refreshed after a complimentary foam wash with a super-clean interior after vacuuming.