VW Case Study 10: Trouble-shooting In A Day, New Fuel Pump

VW Case Study 10, Fuel pump issues: Mr. Tan was having difficulty starting his Volkswagen Passat and he drove up to our garage for trouble-shooting.

VW Case Study 10: Trouble-shooting In A Day, New Fuel Pump

Mr. Tan’s Volkswagen Passat arrived at Revol Carz Garage with engine start up issue.

VW Case Study 10: Trouble-shooting In A Day, New Fuel Pump

The car is lifted for trouble-shooting.

VW Case Study 10: Trouble-shooting In A Day, New Fuel Pump

A Fault code in our scan revealed a faulty pump module as the possible cause of the issue.

VW Case Study 10: Trouble-shooting In A Day, New Fuel Pump

A new Fuel Pump module (right) is ready for the exchange.
A faulty fuel pump module can upset the performance of your fuel system and causing the engine to starve for fuel under load. Symptoms such as:
1. poor engine performance,
2. hard starting,
3. poor idling,
4. hesitation,
5. stumbling on acceleration,
6. loss of power on high-speed.

Mr. Tan was very pleased to have his car returned within the day and looking great with our complimentary car wash and vacuuming of the interior.