A BMW 730i arrives for a total gearbox overhaul.

A BMW 730i arrives for a total gearbox overhaul.. Hi Everyone, The gearbox (transmission) is one of the most vital components of any vehicle. Shifting problems or sudden skip in the gear can be a cause for concern. The transmission of the vehicle is subjected to wear and tear due to exposure to extreme heat and frictions. The Mechatronics module performs complex shifts operations. The gearbox control communicates constantly with the engine control unit and the “communications” determines the ideal point at which to make a gear change. In short, the Mechatronic components represent the brain of the gearbox.

If your car has any of the following symptoms, our experienced mechanics can help you;
1. Surging in Drive gear.
2. Surging in Reverse gear
3. Lurching off the line from a stop
4. Harsh 2 to 1 down-gear-shifts
5. PRNDS flashing.
6. Bad idling.
Revol Carz Garage offers a complete service on any transmission problem. We have updated diagnostic equipment and expertise to pinpoint the fault in the gearbox such a burning smell, leaks, worn clutch. Gearbox repair or replacement is complicated and is best performed by professionals from reputable auto-workshop for safe and optimum performance. We hope you will enjoy viewing the following pictures.

A BMW 730i arrives at Revol Carz Garage for a total gearbox overhaul.
The car is lifted for 360 degree undercarriage safety inspection.
The whole gearbox is systematically dismantled from the car.
Extensive cleaning works begins.
This is how the ultra-cleaned interior of the gearbox looks after careful cleaning.
Here is another section of the gearbox after cleaning.
Components inside the gearbox are professionally dismantled.
The packing and repair kits are on standby for replacement. At Revol Carz Garage.
The old and new Mechatronic components sit side by side waiting for replacement.
The replacement of Mechatronic components in progress
The Mechatronic components are now successfully installed.

Preventive maintenance is always better than repair. It is important to understand about wear and tear before the components break down totally. If you have any issue in any part of your car, do feel free to contact us. We will always serve you with the best of your interest! Thanks for reading!